Thursday, February 3, 2011

Firm Foundations with Jane Hall

I just had to sign up at Quilt University for this class. Unfortunately my usual procrastination means that lesson 4 is posted and I am just starting lesson 1. Last night I spend time on the first foundation in the class. I decided to make two identical ones at the same time. Twice I cut off the wrong piece of material and had to unsew and put fabric back on the seam.

Foundation Piecing is still a mystery to me but I find I am enjoying the learning experience. I am going to have to spend more time in my studio and less time in the living room.

Yes, my studio. It is no longer a family room. I have put up one of three book cases purchased just for the studio. I also have a desk to assemble that I will put my desktop computer on. I have a quilt designer table and a sewing machine table that has a drop area for my machine. I purchased a iron pad that is rectangular and have put it over my old sewing table. There is very little left in the family room that needs to be kept, filed, recycled or burned. I have so much shredded paper that I can start several fires in the fire place and keep warm.

My quilting frame will be going up shortly. I will be using one of my older machines for in place of a true short/mid/long arm machine. I need to start an escrow account for the mid arm machine of my dreams.

Have a great day.

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