Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Vikki Pignatelli at Guild Meeting

This month our guild had Vikki Pignatelli as our guest speaker. She also taught two classes over the weekend. I was fortunate enough to be able to take her Curves class on Saturday and her trunk show and talk at guild was inspiring.

I finally got my sewing machine out of moth balls after no sewing since early November. It felt really good to be creative. I learned a lot about myself as well. By going outside of my comfort zone I discovered that the zone is much larger than I ever knew and it can be increased with little if no culture shock.

The curves class was great. Finally a way to applique without struggling. Well that isn't quite true. I did have difficulty using the blind hem stitch and staying in the ditch. My accuracy needs some more practice! The technique Vikki teaches is going to be so useful. I think that hand applique will diminish in my piecing and quilting.

Tonight after two doctor's appointment and several errands I will get to work FINALLY on my grandson's Cub Scout vest. It has been sitting too long! After that I will continue to work for a hour or so each day on my quilting. I have been immersing myself in reading for the last month instead of creating I have been involved in someone else's creativity. Now it is time for me to express myself.

Have a great day and keep quilting!

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