Friday, March 4, 2011

An awesome husband

Wednesday evening I totally broke my traveling sewing machine. The bobbin would not work at all. DH asked how much a new machine would cost. I told him between $100 and $8,000. His eyes bugged out.

Thursday I called my LQS to ask about Baby Lock sewing machines and they recommended three that would be good starters. We discussed features and price.

Later that afternoon DH went into the LQS and talked to them. He bought the one I had decided I would buy after I had escrowed the money. He also warned them I might come in to buy the machine and to lie through their teeth to keep my from purchasing it.

When I got home DH sent me down to my studio for a totally different reason and I discovered my new sewing machine. He had purchased a Baby Lock Molly for me. Last night I got real familiar with Molly and I am ready for my road trip.

Road trip you say. Sunday we are leaving for Gatlinburg for the Mountain Quiltfest and I have two classes with Sally Collins. Molly is going to be the star of the show for me.

Have a great day. Mine started out with sunshine and happiness even though it is raining outside and we have a flood warning for the Ohio River.

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