Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Now I can quilt

Well, my office is all packed and I only have a few work projects that I left out for tomorrow. That means that during my lunch I CAN PIECE MY APPLE CORE WALLHANGING!

We are definitely going on a road trip this weekend and I have to get as much quilt stuff in as little space as possible. Max and Roxie will need the entire back seat and the truck will only hold so much. So much stuff and so little space.

James is taking his laptop with him. I will try to blog as we go.

I took a big leap of faith two days ago and ordered Electric Quilt V6. It arrived today. There is no way I can install it on James laptop so I have to wait until next Tuesday. (Monday is Quilt Guild). Sad face :( but I will live in expectation.

Later with a BIG ;) on my face, Karen

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