Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Elm Creek Quilt Books

Last night I spent most of the evening crying over a book. I am reading the Elm Creek Quilt books and because I don't own all of them I am reading them out of order. Yesterday I picked two of them up from the library and read "The Quilter's Legacy". What a tear jerker! I love these books, but the next morning I have swollen eyes from all the crying. It used to be "sad movies make me cry" but now it is "sad books make me cry". If you haven't read these books I highly recommend them!

I got all the fabric for the 2nd baby "Trip Around the World" quilt top ironed. Then reading got in the way and that was all my quilting.

DH took his pills out of order yesterday and was a zombie by 7 in the evening. I don't know what to do about this. I cannot monitor his behavior while I am at work. There has to be a solution, but I haven't found it yet. Pray for me.

Have a nice day, Karen

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